Engineering and hydrometeorological survey

Engineering and hydrometeorological surveying includes a comprehensive investigation of hydrometeorological conditions of the construction site and forecasting of their possible changes due to construction work. The main objective of this survey is to obtain necessary and sufficient materials to take grounded design decisions.

Engineering and hydrometeorological survey is performed in order to identify adverse meteorological influences on the construction site and evaluate the adverse impact of construction projects on environmental water and air. Based on the data obtained by our specialists, it is possible to develop the environmental protection measures, design and working documentation, measures for engineering protection of structures from adverse meteorological and hydrological phenomena.

In the course of the engineering and hydrometeorological survey the following is studied:

  • the hydrological regime of rivers (including intermittent streams), lakes, reservoirs, wetlands, river estuaries, coastal and offshore areas of the seas;
  • climatic and specific meteorological characteristics;
  • dangerous hydrometeorological processes and phenomena;
  • human-induced changes in hydrological and climatic conditions or their individual characteristics.

The engineering and hydrometeorological surveying includes the following types of work:

  • Collection, analyzing and generalization of hydrometeorological and cartographic studies of the territory;
  • Reconnaissance survey of the area studied;
  • Monitoring of characteristics of the hydrological conditions of water facilities and the climate, as well as episodical work for their study;
  • Study of dangerous hydrometeorological processes and phenomena;
  • Laboratory processing of materials with determining of the calculated hydrological and meteorological characteristics;
  • Preparation of the technical report.